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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Ambassadors of Athletic Training

What is an ambassador? One common definition is: a person who acts as a representative or promoter of a specified activity.  Every day, each and every one of us is an ambassador of athletic training.  It starts when you step into your workplace and you see your first patient of the day.  I don't know about y'all but often times this is the hardest time of day for me.  I get to work early so that I can turn on my computer, pour a cup of coffee and check my email before the first patient walks in the door.  But wouldn't you know it, there are three people waiting in the athletic training room.  So much for that idea, my day just took a turn and it has barely gotten started.  I am primed and ready to leave these patients with a negative impression of myself and ultimately of athletic training.  This is when I have to step back, take a deep breath, and remember that I'm not only representing myself, I am an ambassador.  Maybe it's lunch time, getting ready to eat and there is an unexpected phone call.  Or maybe it's the end of the day and you're getting ready to walk out the door when the boss comes in. I am always an ambassador and the impression I leave, good or bad, is a representation of athletic training.  

I recently had a conversation with the parent of one of my athletes.  He told me that he had talked to a friend from another area who had a bad experience with the athletic trainer at his child's school.  He said that after speaking with his friend that he felt very fortunate that his children had the AT's that they do.  While this was a compliment to me and the staff I work with, it was also very concerning.  My athlete's parent defended AT's by talking about his experiences with us.  This could have turned out much differently.  What if this parent did not have a friend who had positive experiences with AT's?

You are an ambassador every day and with every patient you see.  How many people do you come in contact with each day? What perception of athletic training do they have when they leave you? Tomorrow when you go to work take a moment and consider this.  You will leave someone with an impression of athletic training as a profession and of athletic trainers throughout your area, your state, the district and across the nation.  What kind of ambassador will you be?

Josh Woodall; M.Ed., ATC, LAT 
SWATA President

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