Our members often ask: "What does the NATA do for me?" Well, the Healthy Kids and Concussion Summit that was held at the White House, the press conference and subsequent announcement about our partnership with the NFL to fund ATs in underserved secondary schools in NFL markets should help to answer that question.
It was only a few years ago that we struggled to obtain recognition from such organizations as the NCAA and NFL. Now, organizations and legislators call us for information and advise about such issues as youth safety and concussion management. What a difference! This didn't happen overnight, but is rather the result of years of small victories, key contacts, and diligent behind-the-scenes efforts.
Our NATA staff and leadership, past and present, have worked extremely hard to make these things happen-working hard for you, our members. Some of you were also a part of those efforts, and I say THANK YOU to each of you!! This truly is the power of the combined work of many. There have been many times when I have felt overwhelming pride about our profession, but watching that press conference, hearing the POTUS mention us, was definitely in my top three. Look for more details as this project unfolds, but be proud of how far we've come, and where we're going.
Could the timing have been any better? Next week, we travel to Indianapolis for our 65th Clinical Symposia and AT Expo. There's still time if you haven't made plans to attend! As usual, the NATA staff and committees have put together an outstanding convention experience. Indy will feature the typical exceptional educational sessions, Captain Mark Kelly as our Keynote Speaker, recognition of our profession's finest in the Hall of Fame Induction, the Georgia Street Block Party Welcome Reception, the return of the NATA Foundation Fun Run, and so much more!!
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Two "District competitions" will also launch at this year's symposium:
- The first contest will track the percentage of members who obtain their NPI number. If you've already obtained your NPI, you've taken a huge step for the benefit of the profession. If you haven't, this is the opportunity to register. NPI has nothing to do with your setting or billing for services, but rather it establishes your voice as a healthcare professional. Once you have your NPI, it is yours for life, and you are registered along with all other healthcare providers. For more information from the NATA about obtaining an NPI number, click here.
- The second contest is in regard to the percentage of schools in the District who become a new Safe Sports Schools Award Winner. The Safe Sports School Award recognizes secondary schools that take the crucial steps to keep athletes injury free. District 6 currently has 11 schools in Texas and 3 in Arkansas who have received this recognition. Congratulations and thank you to those schools who have taken these steps. If you are a secondary school AT, consider applying for the Safe Sports School Award. It's not difficult, and the PR benefits to you, your school, and our profession are well worth it.
Both of these "contests" illustrate the need for you, our members, to advocate for the profession. Even if you are not attending the symposium, please take these steps during or after Indy starts. District VI can, and should lead the way on both of these events.
So much is happening in our profession, and I believe it will only get better and better. Yes, it's a great time to be an AT and an AT advocate. Join us for the ride and I hope to see you in Indy!
Blog written by:
Kathy I Dieringer EdD, ATC, LAT
NATA District VI Director